Abbreviations of International Trade Terms
Acronym | Full Form |
A/C | Account |
A/O | Account Of |
AAA | Association of Average Adjusters |
ADR | EU agreement for international carriage of dangerous goods by road |
AF | Advance Freight (such as prior to shipment) |
AMT | Air Mail Transfer |
AN | Advice Note |
ANF | Arrival Notification Form |
AP | Additional Premium |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asia Nations |
ASSP | Any Safe Suitable Port |
ASWP | Any Safe World Port |
ATA | Admission Temporaire - Temporary Admission |
ATP | Accorde Transports Perissable (european agreement on the international carriage of foodstuffs) |
ATR | Admission Temporaire Roulette - Temporary Admission on Wheels |
AV | freight rate based on value of goods shipped |
AWB | Air Way Bill |
B/D | Banker's Draft |
B/E | Bill of Exchange |
B/L | Bill of Lading |
B/S | Bill of Sale |
BAF | Bunkerage Adjustment Factor on shipping rates |
BB | Bill Book |
BCL | Bank Capability (or Comfort) Letter |
BD | Bond |
BDI | Both Days Inclusive |
BF | Back Freight for goods being returned to point of origin |
BKG | Breakage |
BKGE | Brokerage |
BL | Bulk Licence to cover a trading period, or value |
BLCO | Bonny Light Crude Oil |
BLR | Bank Letter of Readiness |
BOND | guarantee to customs for payment of duty or tax |
BP | Bills Payable |
BR | Bills Received |
BS | Bill of Sight used for Customs declaration when the importer is unable to furnish all documents |
C of O | Certificate of Origin, note there are several different types |
C&D | Collected & Delivered |
C&E | Customs & Excise |
C&F | Cost & Freight (not in INCOTERMS 1990) |
C/I | Consular Invoice/Certificate of Insurance |
C/N | Consignment Note, Cover Note |
C/NEE | Consignee |
C/NOR | Consignor |
C/S | Currency Surcharge |
C/V | Certificate of Value |
C/VO | Certificate of Value & Origin |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAD | Cash Against Documents |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor for sea freight rates |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy |
Carr | Fwd Carriage Forward |
CB | Container Base |
CBD | Cash Before Delivery |
cbm | cubic metre |
CC/O | Certificate of Consignment/Origin |
CCC | Customs Clearance Certificate |
CCCN | Customs Co-Operation Council Nomenclature (formerly BTN Brussels Tariff Nomenclature) |
CCM | Caribbean Common Market |
CD | Customs Declaration |
CDV | Current Domestic Value |
CE | Community European - quality mark on goods |
CEN | European Standards Office |
CET | Central European Time |
cf | cubic feet |
CFR | Cost & Freight (named port of destination) |
ch pd | carriage paid |
ch ppd | carriage pre-paid |
CIF | Cost, Insurance & Freight (named port of destination) |
CIF & C | Cost, Insurance, Freight & Commission |
CIFC & I | Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission & Interest |
CIM | Contract of movement by International Rail |
CKD | Completely Knocked Down |
CMR | Convention Merchandises Par Routes (conditions for the international carriage of goods by road) |
CO or C/O | Certificate of Origin, Cash Order |
COD | Cash On Delivery |
COI | Central Office of Information |
COM/I | Commercial Invoice |
COP | Certificate Of Posting |
CPA | Claims Payable Abroad |
CPD | Charter Pays Dues |
CPT | Carriage Paid To (named destination) |
CR | Current Rate, Carriers Risk, Compound Risk |
CRN | Customs Registered Number |
CT | Community Transit |
CTC | Customs Tariff Code, now harmonised virtually world-wide |
CTL | Constructive Total Loss |
CWO | Cash With Order |
CY | Currency |
D/A | Documents against Acceptance, Days after Acceptance |
D/N | Debit Note/Despatch Note |
D/O | Delivery Order |
D/P | Documents against Payment, Direct Port |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier (named place) |
DAN | Deferment Account Number |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid |
DEPS | Departmental Entry Processing System |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay (named port of destination) |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship (named port of destination) |
DFT | Draft |
DGN | Dangerous Goods Note, they vary according to transport mode |
DK | Dock |
DS | Days after Sight |
DWT | Dead Weight Tonnage |
DY or DELY | Delivery |
E&OE | Errors & Omissions Excepted |
ECA | Economic Co-operation Administration |
ECE | Economic Commission for Europe |
ECI | Export Consignment Identifier |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EEU | European Economic Union |
EFTA | European Free Trade Area |
EIA | European Information Association |
EIS | Export Intelligence Service |
EOHP | Except as Otherwise Herein Provided |
EOM | End Of Month |
EOTA | European Organisation for Technical Approvals |
EOTC | European Organisation for Testing & Certification |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival/European Technical Approvals |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETS | Estimated Time of Sailing |
EU | European Union |
EX | Examined, Exchanged, Executed, Excluding, out of |
EXD | Examined |
EXW | Ex Works (named place) |
F&D | Freight & Demurrage |
FAA | Free of All Average |
FAC | Forwarding Agents Commission |
FAK | Freight of All Kinds |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship (named place) |
FCA | Free Carrier (named place) |
FCL | Full Container Load |
FCO | Franco |
FCO | Full Corporate Offer |
FCR | Freight Forwarders Certificate of Receipt |
FIATA | International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association |
FIB | Free In Bunker |
FIO | Free In and Free Out |
FIW | Free In Wagon |
FO | Firm Order |
FOB | Free On Board (named port) |
FOC | Free Of Charge |
FOD | Free Of Damage |
FOR | Free on Rail (no longer INCOTERMS 90) |
FOT | Free On Truck (no longer INCOTERMS 90) |
FOV | Free On Vehicle |
FP | Floating open cover marine insurance Policy |
FP-C | Flash Point Celcius |
FR | Freight Release |
FTA | Freight Transport Associations (or) Free Trade Agreements |
GA | General Average |
GA | CON General Average Contribution |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, now known as WTO (World Trade Organisation) |
GRS | WT Gross Weight |
GRT | Gross Registered Tonnage |
GSP | Generalised System of Preferences |
GV | Grand Vitesse (express train) |
HAWB | House AirWay Bill |
HL | Heavy Lift |
I/L | Import License |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IB | Invoice Book |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICB | International Container Depot |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
ICD | Inland Clearing Depot |
ICPO | Irrevocable Corporate Purchasing Order |
ICS | International Chamber of Shipping or Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
ID | Import Duty |
IFF | Institute of Freight Forwarders |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMO | International Marine Organisation |
IPR | Inward Processing Relief |
IRC | International Reply Coupon |
IRD | Inland Rail Depot |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
L/C | Letter of Credit |
LAFTA | Latin American Free Trade Organisation |
LASH | Lighter Aboard Ship |
LCL | Less than full Container Load |
LDG | Loading |
LEC | Local Export Clearance |
LO/LO | Lift On/Lift Off |
LOI | Letter Of Intent (to buy) |
LOR | Letter Of Readiness |
MAWB | Master AirWay Bill |
MCD | Miscellaneous Cash Payment |
MD | Malicious Damage |
MIP | Marine Insurance Policy |
MR | Mates Receipt |
MT | Mail Transfer |
MT | Metric Tonnes |
N/T | Net Terms |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Area |
NCNDA | Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NCV | No Commercial Value |
NEI | Not Elsewhere Included |
NES | Not Elsewhere Specified |
NET | WT Net Weight |
NNPC | Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation |
NOR | Notice of Readiness |
NSSN | National Standard Shipping Note |
O/A | On Account of |
O/C | Open Cover/Open Charter/Over Charge |
O/D | On Demand (or) Overdrawn |
O/O | Order Of |
O/R | Owner's Risk |
OAU | Organisation of African Unity |
OECD | Organisation for European Co-operation & Development |
OGL | Open General Licence |
OPB | Operative Performance Bond |
OPR | Outward Processing Relief |
ORD | Order |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection (Computer Standards) |
OTAR | Overseas Tariffs And Regulations |
P/A | Private Account, Particular Average, Power of Attorney |
P/C | Private Current, Percent |
PB | Performance Bond |
per | pro on behalf of |
PIRA | Packing Industry Research Association |
PKD | Partially Knocked Down |
PL | Partial Loss |
PLA | Port of London Authority |
PO | Post Office |
POA | Place Of Acceptance |
POD | Proof Of Delivery |
POF | Proof Of Funds |
POP | Proof Of Product, Proof Of Purchase |
Post | Entry UK customs export declaration up to 14 days after shipment |
PR | Parcel Receipt |
QTY | Quantity |
RHA | Road Haulage Association |
RN | Removal Note |
RO/RO | Roll-On/Roll-Off |
RWA | Ready, Willing and Able |
S/N | Shipping Note |
SAD | Single Administrative Document |
SAE | Stamped Addressed Envelope |
SB | Short Bill, payable on demand or sight |
SBLC | StandBy Letter of Credit |
SCP | Simplified Customs Procedure (UK exports only) |
SD | Sight Draft, Short Delivery |
SDBL | Sight Draft, with Bill of Lading attached |
SDR | Special Drawing Rights |
SGS | Pre-Shipment Inspection Company Based in Switzerland |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |
SLCO | Saudi Light Crude Oil |
SOB | Shipped On Board |
SR&CC | Strike Risk & Civil Commotion |
stet | no change |
SWL | Safe Working Load |
TARE | weight of a container without goods |
TIR | Transport Internationale Routiers |
TL | Total Loss |
TMO | Telegraphic Money Order |
TQ | Tariff Quota |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer |
TURN | Trader Unique Reference Number (renamed DAN number) |
U/D | Under Deck |
U/W | Underwriter |
ULD | Unit Load Device, container used in air freight |
UN | United Nations |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
W/M | Weight or Measure, basis for sea freight rates |
WA | With Average |
WB | WayBill, Warehouse Book |
WPA | With Particular Average |
WR | Warehouse Receipt |
WRO | War Risks Only |
WTO | World Trade Organisation (formerly GATT) |
YAR | York Antwerp Rules (used in marine insurance) |